The DynaMetrics(TM) dynamic work flow analysis tools. DynaMetrics(TM) V1.7 Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Neptune Systems. All rights reserved. email: This file provides information for Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who wish to distribute DynaMetrics. Distribution Please see license.txt for additional details. An extract of the relevant portions: There are no restrictions on distribution as long as: - all files included in the original shareware version are included unchanged, - the product is adequately identified as shareware unless you are notified to cease distribution. DYNAMETRICS(TM) v1.7 Business Model/Plan Dynamic work flow analysis. Balance resources, customer waiting times. Find bottlenecks, idle equipment, saturation points. Try a new organization on the computer, not the shop floor or your customers. Stress test your rightsizing plans before you commit time and money. Requires 386 and Windows 3.1 or better.